
During the days from November 6 to 9, the science week was celebrated at Creanova School. Many students had their mother or father conducting a workshop at the school, and various activities were also prepared that culminated on the 9th in the science fair. The High...

In this project within the context of Spanish Language and Literature, 3rd grade ESO students had to conduct a fictional interview with a Spanish-speaking author. After several sessions of research and information gathering using reliable websites, students had to formulate the questions they would ask if...

Every year, leukemia is diagnosed in 350 boys and girls. 1 in 5 does not survive. The Vuelta al Cole Unoentrecienmil is the largest school movement against childhood leukemia. Since 2015, thousands of children participate in this solidarity race at their school to help children with...

Since Friday 16 December at CreaNova we have held a whole series of activities to make, together, a very welcoming end of term and Christmas welcome.
From November 11 to 20, CreaNova celebrated the IV Science Week! It has been a resounding success and there has not been a corner of the school where science, innovation, curiosity and, above all, a desire to learn did not breathe!
At CreaNova, spirits from the afterlife, witches, skeletons, pumpkins, chestnuts, panellets and the Iaia Castanyera have come together and thrown a big party celebrating autumn and All Saints.
The students of Hipàtia, Parks and Hawking, 1st and 2nd of ESO, have spent a few days in La Cerdanya being able to enjoy nice weather and surrounded by an unbeatable environment. 
Tales, fables, writers, games of ingenuity, plays, readings aloud, puzzles, word soups, calligrams, crazy stories, poetry, crossword puzzles, book-trailers, micro-stories, extreme reading , sayings… Saint George, the legend…
Using the principles of Permaculture, CreaNova is re-structuring part of it’s outdoor area creating a project that involves children from the age of 5 up to 18. This type of project is what we call a ‘metaproject’. 
What a great week we’ve had full of excitement and adventures! In fact, we’ve been working on the topic of this year’s Carnival for days. 
As every year at this time, the students of the 2nd year of Baccalaureate are presenting their Research Projects.
An unforgettable week at CreaNova through Science! Each and every one of the activities, workshops, talks and projects have exceeded any expectations.
Previous preparations are essential for a successful and safe ride: checking the chain, brakes, seat, handlebars ... water can, breakfast ... helmet and ... cycling!
How many things are going on throughout the week celebrating traditions of our area, toasting chestnuts and making panellets or listening to the Iaia Castanyera and her beautiful history. 
This week has been full of emotions, memories and learning with the welcome of grandparents from CreaNova students.
Last Thursday, June 10, we were able to share together in a simple, emotional and full of memories event, the end of the stage of ESO4 students at CreaNova, promotion 2017 - 2021. 
Continuing with the programming of the Physical Education area at CreaNova, the students of Hawking and Plato went on a bike and scooter trip. 
From the youngest to the 1st year of ESO, the students have been able to know the how, when, what and why of aromatic plants, medicinal plants and other fruits and vegetables that the ground gives us. 
Baccalaureate students have had the opportunity to participate in the University Fair held by University Day at the Palau de Congressos in Tarragona.
We have already spent another Literary Week at CreaNova! Sant Jordi has marked this literary end with the possibility of sharing books and roses with each other. 
La primavera és aquí! / Spring is here! / ¡La primavera ha llegado!
CreaNova celebrates the 2nd Math Week (March 8 to 15), coinciding with the day ‘pi’ 03/14. 
The International University of Catalonia (UIC) presented its degrees and educational proposals from its different university campuses to Bacc students. 
CreaNova’s staff, through their ESO and Baccalaureate students, wishes you a Happy Christmas and a wonderful 2021! 
Do you remember the first time that…? They are often indelible memories because they mean the achievement of something longed for and the result of perseverance and effort, right? 
CreaNova has prepared an interesting proposal for extracurricular activities for its students, understanding the school as a 'safe environment' and in accordance with the guidelines established by Health and Education ... you can't miss them!
From Picasso's performing arts workshop we are participating in the international project The Coronavirus Time Capsule, developed with students during this period of confinement.
Throughout the CreaNova’s Literary Week, our students and their families have been able to enjoy magnificent ‘virtual’ proposals and make our imagination ‘fly’ through the wonderful world of mystery and adventure.
Laura García, our Drama teacher, tells them a story that works as a ’starter' for the dynamics they perform, in the second part of the workshop. 
Last Friday, March 6th the students of Middle, High and Baccalaureate sections attended the practical workshop on 'Conscious Eating'.
Our students of 1st year of Baccalaureate, Anna Castanyer, Anna Guilera, Izán Martínez, Toni Rosa and Luca Teixidó have already started the exciting Secondary and Baccalaureate Debate League.
The ESO4 students are performing on February 12 and 13 the Basic Competence tests prepared by the Department of Education of the Generalitat.
The Science Week at CreaNova has been very exciting and enriching starting with the INSPIRA STEAM project, where the students of the Da Vinci group have deepened in the world of science and technology and, above all, the approach and presence from women to science.
Secondary students travelled through the centuries on a journey that has led them to discover the Greek society, the culture of some African and European ancient villages, the first settlements in Prehistory era and the Egyptians.

After dancing and singing songs of autumn, we use the mud we have in our beloved turó to create a museum :)