Learning by Doing

Students are protagonists of their own education.

Artificial Intelligence

Learning mathematics and science.

Dual Diploma

Both Spanish and North American diplomas.

CreaNova is a private school in Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona). Our methodology is based on learning by doing at any stage of education: Preschool, Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureates. The education of the future, now.


Open Doors (* in-person according to the sanitary situation): Saturday February 11th, Saturday March 11th and Saturday May 6th, 2023.
Contact us to book your attendance.
Registration process is open. Online meetings and personalized interviews available.

Learning by Doing

Learning by Doing from 3 to 18 years old.

Artificial Intelligence

Learning math and science through artificial intelligence tools.

High School Dual Diploma

Spanish and North American baccalaureate diploma.


Students work through projects and classes based on practice, as well as presentations and self-evaluation exams.

Follow up

Tutors and specialists who carry out a continuous and personalized follow-up.

Real contexts

Learning is based on real contexts, experimentation and problem solving, both individually and in groups.


We offer varied didactic material which fulfills the requirements of any subject of the official curriculum for different grades.

The Education of the future, now

We bet on an education that prepares the students for the future, through innovative resources that foster creativity, initiative, emotional and social intelligence and the development of talents.

Learning by Doing  from 3 to 18 years old

The pedagogic approach of self-taught learning, where student learns to learn, develops creativity, self-initiative, excellence and emotional and social intelligence. This is possible thanks to basing each learning process in real context, in experimentation and day-to-day problem solving.


The wide and varied offer of materials, activities and projects, allows each cycle to cover the whole content of the curriculum and even expand beyond.


Elementary 1 3 to 6 yrs old · Elementary 2 6 to 11 yrs old · Middle 11 to 13 yrs old · High 13 to 16 yrs old · Baccalaureate 16 to 18 yrs old

CreaNova, Creativity and Innovation

The CreaNova school: over 9 years of experience in research and application of new educational models.


In CreaNova we apply innovative learning techniques and the latest advances in technology, keeping our “Learning by Doing” approach as the basis of every learning process.

From practice and experimentation, we enhance skills and abilities of our students, developing multiple intelligences and autonomy of each one of them, taking into account their rhythm and the maturation moment.


The CreaNova school is an innovative educational center. It develops activities such as Ecological Catering, MakersLab, Mentoring, and other innovative technological projects.

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