Fictional Interviews with Writers – Spanish Language and Literature

Fictional Interviews with Writers – Spanish Language and Literature

In this project within the context of Spanish Language and Literature, 3rd grade ESO students had to conduct a fictional interview with a Spanish-speaking author.

After several sessions of research and information gathering using reliable websites, students had to formulate the questions they would ask if they had the opportunity to travel to the past and interview the authors in their last years of life. Without the help of computers, they wrote these fictional responses, taking into account what they had read and learned about the authors. After reviewing their writings with them, we added an introduction that set the scene for the conversation and captured the essence of the author. Finally, they transferred the handwritten work to Canva to simulate a magazine or newspaper.

With the project already finished and the final product collected in the file attached below, We wanted to extend to you the pride we feel for the effort and dedication that the students have put into this task. Their interviews are of great quality, accurate, creative, and reflect in detail the life and work of the authors. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did.

Coordination and text: Lucía Gómez, Spanish Language and Literature Teacher

Hipatia interviews, clic here to download file

Picasso interviews, clic here to download file