14 Mar CreaNova Middle stage travels 1000 years back…
CreaNova Middle students have taken a leap in time and, just entering the Monastery of Sant Cugat, they have magically transformed into resident monks of that medieval era.
we have visited the spaces, we have learned what their habits were and customs and even learned to write like they did! It has been a wonderful experience, full of emotions and learning:
The town of Sant Cugat was first mentioned more than 900 years ago. In 1120, Pope Calixte II confirmed its properties to the monastery, including the town. It meant the birth of Sant Cugat as an urban phenomenon. Since then, Sant Cugat has gone from a small peasant town closed in on itself to a city of services in a global world.
As a transversal and intercurricular project, the areas of knowledge covered are Social Studies, Geography & History, Art, Technology, Language, Culture and Tradition.
Look at the most beautiful images…monks, the cloister and the big rose that identifies our Monastery!