Magical words for the little ones from CreaNova with Rosa Fité

Paraules màgiques per als més petits de CreaNova amb Rosa Fité

Magical words for the little ones from CreaNova with Rosa Fité

Thanks to Rosa Fité and Helena and Eli, we did a great activity through the poems of Miquel Martí and Pol.
What a beautiful day the children of Gaudí and Miró had today. Why do we have to wait until we are older to enjoy poetry? Who said that if I’m 3 or 4 years old I do not understand the rhymes, the music of the words and I can’t play with them in a shared intimate journey, of excitement and expressing feelings and emotions?

We have transformed ourselves into cooks and have wandered through a large number of cooking recipes with the words…croquettes. fried eggs, noodles,, melted chocolate…Mmmm, how good poetry tastes 🙂
Please read this ‘taste’ that you can find published in the book Bon profit! that we recommend!

Se’ns esmolen les dentetes
quan la mare fa croquetes.
Ben rosses i cruixidores,
no te’n menges, en devores.
En qualsevol ocasió,
si hi ha croquetes, millor.
