We are a private educational center with 9 years of experience in research and practical application in integral education.
Research indicates the importance of respecting biological processes and decision-making according to the needs of each stage of development so that each student’s potential can flourish during their mental and physical growth throughout their educational endeavours.
We combine Finnish teaching methods of Learning by Doing with contributions of Pestalozzi School, M. Montessori, Emmi Pickler, Reggio Emilia and self-taught learning. Our educational system puts into practice all learning processes of sensory-motor interactions through practical life, experimentations with sensory materials and real contexts so that students can develop autonomy and personal initiative.
Starting from understanding of neurological needs and processes that occur at each stage of development, our pedagogical methodology applies practically the scientific knowledge obtained by these studies. We impart the experiences of Rebeca y Mauricio Wild as well as authors like M. Montessori, E. Pickler, C. Freinet, H. Maturana, A. Stern, D. Goleman, B. Lipton and R. Schank.