Training in First Aid and CPR at CreaNova…we can save a life!

Formació en Primers Auxilis i RCP - 2023 - Col·legi CreaNova

Training in First Aid and CPR at CreaNova…we can save a life!

A very interesting training in first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) practices and use of the automatic external defibrillator (AED).

The teaching staff of CreaNova and the non-teaching staff of the school are always in constant training in order to be innovative and ready to offer the best of us to our students, restless minds and eager for learning.

The first few minutes in an accident, fall or fainting are essential and a quick initial analysis and good practice can mean saving a life!
We are very grateful to Jéssica (mother of the school) and Anna, pediatric doctors, with extensive experience, for the training received and the knowledge transmitted throughout these days…
Your understandable explanations have been synonymous of serenity and professionalism, essential attitudes in these cases. 

The School Management and the CreaNova members thank AFA for their collaboration and, especially, Jéssica Ortiz, spokesperson for Health and School (and mother of the school), for organizing the training and, among all of us, making it possible to carry it out . Thank you!