CreaNova opens the school to +60 families!

Portes Obertes / Open Days / Puertas Abiertas 2022 - Col·legi CreaNova Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)

CreaNova opens the school to +60 families!

On February 5, we had the opportunity to welcome +60 families in our first Open Day. 

In different groups and by age groups, we attended to the questions, concerns and curiosities of each and every one of the families who visited us interested in the CreaNova Educational Project along Saturday morning.

It was a pleasant and happy day for all, making it possible to know first-hand what are the strong points of our project that invites us to entrust the education of our children to the professionals of CreaNova: individualized guidance, proposals from their own interests, project-based learning, from practice to theory learning by doing, mix of ages, small groups…
The participation of the teaching staff, non-teaching staff and students allowed a greater approach and understanding of the day to day in CreaNova.

We appreciate the attendance of all families and reminding those who want to meet us that you can visit our website and sign up for the following Open Day, March 12th, or book a personalized visit.

CreaNova…the future NOW!
