2022 Tag

The students of Hipàtia, Parks and Hawking, 1st and 2nd of ESO, have spent a few days in La Cerdanya being able to enjoy nice weather and surrounded by an unbeatable environment. 
Tales, fables, writers, games of ingenuity, plays, readings aloud, puzzles, word soups, calligrams, crazy stories, poetry, crossword puzzles, book-trailers, micro-stories, extreme reading , sayings… Saint George, the legend…
Using the principles of Permaculture, CreaNova is re-structuring part of it’s outdoor area creating a project that involves children from the age of 5 up to 18. This type of project is what we call a ‘metaproject’. 
What a great week we’ve had full of excitement and adventures! In fact, we’ve been working on the topic of this year’s Carnival for days. 
As every year at this time, the students of the 2nd year of Baccalaureate are presenting their Research Projects.
Find out and discover CreaNova through our open days, personalized visits and virtual meetings. Choose the modality you prefer to get to know our school!