CreaNova closer to Tokyo 2021

els I Jocs Olímpics de CreaNova - 2021 - Col·legi CreaNova Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)

CreaNova closer to Tokyo 2021

This past week we celebrated Sports, Nature and Health Week. 

The day to day of the school has revolved around these areas of knowledge and on Wednesday we had for us the entire municipal athletics sports facility of La Guinardera to celebrate the I Olympic Games of CreaNova!

It has been an incredible day where the values ​​and benefits of sports practice have been extolled, both individually and as a team: commitment, effort, improvement, respect, discipline, communication and, above all, a relaxed and non-competitive environment with boys and girls full of energy and happiness.

We thank the organization of the event to Baru Marcikova, head of the CreaNova’s P.E. Dept. and how, with her enthusiasm and professionalism, she has dragged us all for an impeccable achievement.

ESO 4 students also deserve special recognition for their involvement and collaboration as ‘Olympic volunteers’, making an unforgettable day together.