2021 Tag

Us desitgem un Bon Nadal i Feliç Any Nou 2022!  We wish you a Merry Christmas & a better 2022!  ¡Os deseamos Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo!...

At CreaNova, the 'lunch time' moment has always been considered as part of the Educational Project: what we eat, how we eat, is as important as the dynamics and social relationships that this moment establishes between all of us.
An unforgettable week at CreaNova through Science! Each and every one of the activities, workshops, talks and projects have exceeded any expectations.
Previous preparations are essential for a successful and safe ride: checking the chain, brakes, seat, handlebars ... water can, breakfast ... helmet and ... cycling!
How many things are going on throughout the week celebrating traditions of our area, toasting chestnuts and making panellets or listening to the Iaia Castanyera and her beautiful history. 
Last Friday, October 29, the 1st and 2nd year high school students of CreaNova had the great opportunity to delve deeper into the university world. 
This week has been full of emotions, memories and learning with the welcome of grandparents from CreaNova students.
Last Thursday, June 10, we were able to share together in a simple, emotional and full of memories event, the end of the stage of ESO4 students at CreaNova, promotion 2017 - 2021. 
Continuing with the programming of the Physical Education area at CreaNova, the students of Hawking and Plato went on a bike and scooter trip. 
From the youngest to the 1st year of ESO, the students have been able to know the how, when, what and why of aromatic plants, medicinal plants and other fruits and vegetables that the ground gives us. 
Baccalaureate students have had the opportunity to participate in the University Fair held by University Day at the Palau de Congressos in Tarragona.
We have already spent another Literary Week at CreaNova! Sant Jordi has marked this literary end with the possibility of sharing books and roses with each other. 
La primavera és aquí! / Spring is here! / ¡La primavera ha llegado!
CreaNova celebrates the 2nd Math Week (March 8 to 15), coinciding with the day ‘pi’ 03/14. 
Students of all ages at CreaNova, and from the area of ​​Health and Physical Education, can now enjoy the new facility we just inaugurated… BoulderNova!! 
After the magnificent experience we had last year, this February, the students of 3rd and 4th of ESO and 1st of Baccalaureate have had the opportunity to attend a talk by the NGO Open Arms. 
This Saturday, February 13, and strictly following the guidelines of the Departments of Health and Education, CreaNova has opened its doors to more than 50 families throughout the day in different shifts and by appointment.
The International University of Catalonia (UIC) presented its degrees and educational proposals from its different university campuses to Bacc students.